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Macom T6

1.) Go to a satellite next to or near the one you want to find. It is easier if you start on a satellite that has the same polarity format. Press and hold the MEMORY LOCK button on the front of the receiver until the memory lock light goes out.

2.) a. If you start on a satellite that is the same polarity format, tap the EAST/ WEST button until you find the correct satellite.

b.If you start on a satellite that is the opposite polarity format, tap the EAST/WEST button until you lose the picture, then press the POLARITY button on the receiver one time. Use the EAST/WEST buttons until you find the correct satellite.

3.) To name the satellite, tap the LETTER button on the front of the receiver until you see the correct letter in the display panel. Then tap the NUMBER button on the front of the receiver until you see the correct number in the display panel. Then press the ENTER button on the front of the receiver until the display panel flashes.

4.) Press the MEMORY LOCK button on the front of the receiver until the memory lock light comes back on.

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